PH.D. In Engineering and Applied Science

发展你在生物医学工程复杂研究问题上的工作能力, chemistry and chemical engineering, civil and environmental engineering, computer science, cybersecurity, data science, electrical engineering, industrial and systems engineering, or mechanical engineering. 跨多学科的跨学科工作也是可能的.

A Novel Approach

The Ph.D. 该计划提供了一种新颖的博士教育方法,使学生在未来的工业职业生涯中成为杰出的专业人士, academia, nonprofits, consulting, or government agencies. 毕业生将准备好应对21世纪各种专业的挑战. 该计划提供了一个创新的课程,合并课程作业, practical research experiences, 在至少三年的时间里,从大学教师那里获得指导,培养批判性和分析性思维技能.

Cutting Edge Research Areas

学生将与他们的指导老师一起计划他们的课程,为完成包括医疗器械生物材料在内的活跃研究领域的研究做好准备, tissue engineering, rapid detection of microbes, cybersecurity and forensics, artificial intelligence, data science, nondestructive evaluation, radar signal processing, renewable energy systems, wireless communication, structural engineering, sustainability in engineering, and environmental remediation. As an interdisciplinary degree program, 学生可以选修多个学科的课程,以培养解决跨越传统学科边界的问题所需的技能.

Enter after an MS or BS Degree

Students entering the Ph.D. 具有适当硕士预科学位的项目需要至少18个学分的网赌上分平台课程(6门课程:3门普通课程), 3 Technical Core), 其中9个学分必须在资格考试前完成(全日制1学期). 想要第二个硕士学位的学生必须完全完成该学位的所有要求,而不是博士学位.D. requirements.

Students entering directly into the Ph.D. 具有学士学位的专业必须至少修满36学分的课程(12门课程:3门普通课程), 9 Technical Core), 其中27个学分必须在参加资格考试前完成(全日制3个学期). Students wanting a master’s degree en passant must take an additional 15 credits of coursework (5 courses).


The Ph.D. 学位导致研究型职业在私营部门,政府和学术界. A Ph.D. 学位通常是美国大学教师职位的要求.S. and abroad.

Work with professors who are dedicated to your success.


Charger Advantage


Nationally Recognized Center for Career Development

所有网赌上分平台的学生都可以使用学校的许多资源 Career Development Center, which has been named one of the best in the nation by The Princeton Review.

From career assessments, networking, 从工作见习到校园面试和薪资谈判, 职业发展中心提供技能和人脉,帮助你找到有意义的职业,并为你提供追求激情的机会.

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Selected Courses and Programs
  • This course enables the study of special topics of an advanced nature; students will complete a research project on a topic in the subject area of their discipline, 并确定一名合适的教员来监督他们的学术进步,并在文献综述方面提供指导, research techniques, and applied research project.

  • 本课程向学生介绍如何撰写和管理有竞争力的拨款, such as those through funding agencies including NIH, NSF, DoD, etc. 学生们将体验到识别邀请的过程, producing a narrative, methodology, and budget. 学生将进一步了解与财务和进度报告相关的奖励前和奖励后流程.

  • 本课程包括定期会议和讨论个别学生在研究和博士论文准备方面的进展. 在获得候选资格之前,学生不得参加本课程, and the course may be taken more than once.

  • 本课程旨在提高研究生的研究能力, which includes, but is not limited to, literature searches and interpretation, experimental design and execution, data collection and processing, scientific writing and report preparation.

  • 网赌上分平台提供各种各样的深度课程,为我们的学生创造一个转型的教育体验. 要查看完整的课程列表,你将采取,而追求博士学位.D. in Engineering and Applied Science, 包括塔利亚特拉工程学院提供的研究生课程, check out the Academic Catalog:

    Engineering and Applied Science, Ph.D.

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