Ph.D. In 刑事司法

我们的Ph值.D. 程序 is designed to provide students with outstanding learning opportunities through coursework, 合作研究, 教学经验. We emphasize 教师-student mentoring and 研究er-practitioner partnerships to prepare students for successful careers.

这对申请博士学位很重要.D. 计划:


在过去的50年里, 刑事司法领域已经发展到更加以证据为基础, 博士教育在这一演变中发挥了重要作用. 网赌上分平台的博士.D. 程序 in criminal justice is designed to create a new generation of educators and scholars who excel in the classroom, 进行有价值的研究, 并为他们的纪律和社区做出贡献. 我们的毕业生为学术和研究型职业做好了充分的准备.

我们的愿景是成为一流的以学生为中心的博士.D. 东北地区刑事司法项目, 在学生中享有学术卓越的国内和国际声誉, 教师, 校友, 和同龄人. 了解更多网赌上分平台的愿景、使命和价值观.

刑事司法专业的博士生.D. 程序进行研究,使该领域的影响,减少犯罪,使社会更安全. 他们在该领域的经验和专业研究经验使他们能够, 作为教育者, talk about theories in a way that students will be able to understand and implement in the workplace.

Full- and part-time options and traditional classroom-based courses and hybrid courses (that feature some online instruction) are available to allow Ph.D. 学生可以根据个人需要定制课程.

奖学金, 研究生助教奖学金, 还有教学奖学金, 提供一系列的学费和学术支持, 是否适用于符合条件的学生.


我们的Ph值.D. in criminal justice is designed to be a small and selective 程序 that enables every student to receive the individualized instruction and mentoring necessary in doctoral education.

许多学生以前或现在的从业人员在一系列刑事司法专业, which adds to the vibrancy of the 程序 and its close ties with criminal justice policy and practice.

研究生s can expect to apply their skills and credentials in a range of jobs where doctoral degrees are highly valued — from academic teaching to policy and analysis.

Ph值.D. 项目是该大学亨利·C. 李刑事司法与法医学学院, 美国规模最大、学术最多样化的刑事司法学院之一, 使我们能够提供最高水平的学生支持.

Our location in the greater New Haven area – in the heart of one of the most dynamic regions of the world – also offers a wide variety of educational, 文化, 为未来的学生和他们的家庭提供经济机会.

下载刑事司法博士论文.D. 程序传单


Our 教师 are leaders and innovators in their fields, bringing both deep professional experience 以及课堂上的学术严谨.


以下课程, 涵盖理论领域, 研究方法与统计, 以及刑事司法政策, 旨在帮助学生完成课程作业和综合考试要求:

  • A seminar course with the purpose of developing academic 研究, writing, and presentation skills. 涵盖的领域包括进行文献检索, 抽象, 组织文献综述, 引用系统, 学术报告, 以及学术出版过程.

  • 当代刑事司法问题分析, 重点是评估理论之间的联系, 研究, 以及公共政策. 学生将审查和评估与犯罪和司法研究有关的现有奖学金, 同时为自己的研究提出和批评想法.

  • 本课程是博士学位课程中犯罪行为课程的一部分.D. 刑事司法.

  • 社会学中犯罪理性选择理论综述, 心理学, 经济学, 以及政治科学的观点. 主题包括威慑, 常规机会理论, 使无能力, 以及理解犯罪和犯罪行为的冲突方法.

  • 犯罪行为的心理学解释综述. 主题包括精神分析理论, 特质理论, 社会学习, 认知学习, 生物社会学的理论, 犯罪发展理论, 以及犯罪行为的经济和社会心理学理论.

  • 介绍在刑事司法研究中应用的多元统计技术. 主题包括回归分析, 判别分析, 因子分析, MANOVA, 多变量显著性检验.

  • Advanced examination and application of 研究 design and methodologies in the study of crime and justice. 主题包括抽样, 测量, 调查研究, 实验和准实验设计, 二次数据分析, 定性和混合方法方法, 研究伦理.

  • 介绍公共政策和程序分析在刑事司法领域的应用. 主题包括基础研究对政策制定和实施的影响. 将特别注意决策及其工具的问题. Additional elective courses will be offered on a rotating basis for students to use in satisfying coursework, 综合考试, 和专业领域的要求. 学生应该在每学期注册课程之前咨询项目主任.


The specializations listed below reflect major areas of scholarly significance and current areas of 研究 interest among the 教师. 学生将与博士主任一起工作.D. 程序 and their dissertation advisor to select a specific area of specialization and to identify classes or other learning opportunities that will meet their individual needs. 专业领域可能与更一般的主题领域和课程有一些重叠, as students will build on the core knowledge in the discipline to develop their individual specializations.

  • The specialization in 科学的调查 focuses on the application of the natural sciences and scientific methods to the study of criminal investigations and investigative processes.

  • The specialization in 法律与公共政策 provides students with a deeper understanding of law 以及公共政策 within the context of the administration of justice in the United States.

  • The specialization in 犯罪行为 develops a deeper understanding of theories and 研究 on criminal behavior, 包括多学科视角.

  • The specialization in 警务及执法 enables students to focus on modern law enforcement and police practices, 以及评估这些实践的有效性.

  • The specialization in 研究 methods and quantitative analysis allows students to develop more extensive and sophisticated 研究 and analytical skills used in the study of crime and justice.

  • 经博士批准.D. 项目主任和论文委员会,学生可以选择一个定制的专业领域. 目前教师研究的领域和专业知识的主题,学生可以追求包括, 但不限于, 更正:, 少年司法, 国家安全,或受害.


Get an inside look at what differentiates the 网赌上分平台 and how your experiences as a student will prepare you for success.




  • 获得博士学位.D. 该计划以过去的学术课程为基础, 研究生记录考试成绩(在COVID紧急情况期间可选), 推荐信, 写作样本, 还有一份个人陈述. 学生必须提交一份完整的入学申请表,并提交以下材料:

    • 所有就读大学的成绩单, including proof of receipt of a baccalaureate degree and graduate degree (optional) from an accredited college or university.
    • 至少3分.本科最后两年的平均绩点是5分,或者是3分.所有硕士课程的GPA要求为5分.
    • 研究生入学考试成绩(在COVID紧急情况期间可选).
    • 三封推荐信.
    • 学术或其他专业写作样本. 最有用的写作样本是你在研究方法课上的期末论文, 文献综述, 或者你的研究论文.
    • 一份不超过1的个人陈述,500字描述学生的背景, 目标, 以及攻读博士学位的原因.D. 在网赌上分平台获得学位.
    • Students who would like to receive full consideration for funding should submit a complete application by January 15.
  • 给n the specialized nature of doctoral degree 程序 each student admitted into the 程序 must meet with the director of the 程序 to establish an initial plan of study for the degree. The requirements below represent general minimum requirements; however, each student will work with their doctoral 程序 advisor and the director of the 程序 to formalize their plan of study.

    • Each student must complete a minimum residency requirement of 30 semester credits of doctoral coursework in the 程序, students must pass two preliminary 综合考试s: one covering 研究方法与统计 (Exam 1), 和其他涵盖犯罪和司法理论(考试二). Each student must also satisfy minimum requirements (3-15 credits) for an area of specialization and pass an Area of Specialization 综合考试 (Exam 3).
    • 学生必须保持至少3.平均成绩0分. 刑事司法博士.D. 该课程至少需要45个学分才能完成. 至少45个学时包括:30个核心课程学分和住院医师博士学分, 在某一专业领域至少取得3个学分, 3学分论文简介, 还有9小时的论文学分.
    • 学生必须通过全部三门综合考试.
    • 学生必须完成并捍卫博士论文的招股说明书, 在开始写论文之前.
    • Students must complete and defend a doctoral dissertation that is based on original 研究 and that makes a significant contribution to the study of 刑事司法. 学生必须完成至少9小时的论文学分.
    • Students must be in compliance with all general rules and procedures for graduate study as established by the 研究生 School at the 网赌上分平台
  • 要查看在攻读博士学位时需要遵循的政策和程序的完整列表.D. 在刑事司法方面,请查看学术目录:


  • 网赌上分平台研究生院学费合理,物超所值. 当然,你仍然有账单要付,财政援助办公室可以帮助你.
