
家庭 may need additional funds to assist with paying the educational costs at the 网赌上分平台. The 联邦直接父母贷款(PLUS) is a federal loan program for credit-worthy parents of a dependent undergraduate student.

THE FAFSA MUST be filed (each year) before a parent applies for the Federal Parent PLUS Loan.

    • 父母 can apply for up to the Cost of Attendance minus any financial aid the student is receiving.
    • The current interest rate for the 2024-2025 academic year is fixed at 9.08%. Interest rates for the new academic year are determined by July 1 each year.
    • 经济需求不是必需的.
    • 父借款人不能有不良信用记录.
    • 家长不能在另一笔联邦贷款上违约.
    • There is an origination fee that is deducted from the loan before it is disbursed to the University. 这个发起费用目前是4.228%,但可能会有变化.
    • Repayment of this loan may be deferred while the student is enrolled at least half-time and for an additional 6 months after the student graduates, 离开学校, 或者下降到一半入学率以下. 在贷款申请过程中可能会要求延期.
      注意: Interest accrues on the loan during the deferment period as well as during any period when a payment is not required.
    • 如果不要求延期, repayment of principal and interest begins after the loan is fully disbursed (paid out). 标准还款期限最长为10年.
    • Eligibility for the Direct PLUS Loan is based on the borrower’s credit worthiness. 美国.S. 教育部 will run a credit check to determine if a parent is eligible for the loan.
    • 父母 are encouraged to apply for a loan for the entire academic year rather than applying prior to each semester.
    • 了解更多关于联邦直接父母贷款(PLUS)
    • 家长可亲临申请 http://studentaid.gov/plus-app/parent/landing
    • 父母 are encouraged to apply for a loan for the entire academic year rather than applying prior to each semester.
    • 父母 must sign into this federal site using their FSA ID they used to sign the student’s FAFSA.
    • If the parent who is applying for the Direct PLUS Loan does not have an FSA ID, you must first 创建你的FSA ID 为了申请这笔贷款.
    • 一旦在线贷款申请完成并提交, the parent will be notified immediately with the status of the loan.
    • The parent must sign a PLUS Master Promissory Note (MPN) on the same website. The MPN is a legal document in which the borrower promises to repay the loan(s) and any accrued interest and fees to the U.S. 教育部. 它还解释了贷款的条款和条件。.
    • Once all requirements have been met and appropriate documents submitted, approved loans will be added to the student’s financial aid and the student must accept the loan on the University’s online financial aid system.
    • The 金融援助 Office will process the federal Direct parent PLUS Loan that the student accepts on their 金融援助 Offer.
    • 美国.S. 教育部 will place the processed loan with a federal Loan Servicer (company that collects the repayment of your loan(s)).
    • To view your processed loans and Loan Servicer log into the federal website studentaid.政府 使用你在学生的FAFSA上签名时使用的FSA ID. 贷款必须经过处理才能在本网站查看.
    • The Direct PLUS loan is normally payable in two equal disbursements. 如果贷款被批准为学年, one half of the total loan amount will disburse in each semester. The loan will not be disbursed to the student's Bursar account until after the start of each semester.
    • Repayment of principal and interest begins after the loan is fully disbursed (paid out) unless a deferment is requested.
    • 标准还款期限最长为10年.
    • Repayment of this loan may be deferred while the student is enrolled at least half-time and for an additional 6 months after the student graduates, 离开学校, 或者下降到一半入学率以下. 注意: Interest accrues on the loan during the deferment period as well as during any period when a payment is not required.

    以下链接提供了有关的重要信息 偿还父母PLUS贷款. 还款计划和计算器是可用的, 以及延期的信息, 忍耐, 取消, 和整合. 你可以估算你的月供 贷款模拟器.

  • The following are options when a parent is denied for the federal Direct Parent PLUS Loan.

    1. The parent may attempt to Appeal the decision of the denied loan with the U.S. 教育部.
    2. The parent may obtain a credit worthy endorser if the parent is not in default on another federal loan. The endorser would act as a "co-applicant" for the loan and agrees to repay the Direct PLUS loan if the parent does not repay the loan.
    3. 另一方家长可以尝试申请贷款.
    4. The parent decides to NOT pursue the Loan and the student may borrow a limited amount of additional Federal Direct Unsubsidized Student Loan for the academic year:
      • 第一年4000美元 & 二年级的学生
      • 青少年5000美元 & 老年人