Automated External Defibrillator Locations


Click here to view the 校园地图 and locate AED locations around campus.

Locate AEDs in the following buildings on campus
建筑# 建筑的名字 放置
8 巴特尔斯厅 巴特尔斯厅 second floor by the elevator
18 Bartels Student Activity Center (BSAC) Located in the foyer by the front doors
2 Anemone and Steven 卡普兰大厅 (formerly Bayer Hall)  In the foyer of the front doors
27 贝克曼娱乐中心 贝克曼娱乐中心 Equipment Room 
27 贝克曼娱乐中心 贝克曼娱乐中心 Front Desk
27 贝克曼娱乐中心 贝克曼娱乐中心 second floor by the stairs and track
9A Bergami Center for Science/Innovation Located in the lower level North Entrance Foyer near Makerspace
13 Bergami大厅 (Wow Entrance) Located at the Wow entrance foyer near the game room
13 Bergami大厅 Located near the One Stop offices
9 与大厅 Located at the Main entrance on the right
10 Bucknall剧院 多兹大厅; Bucknall剧院 Lobby near entrance to gallery
10 多兹大厅 Located in the main entrance
30 Celentano大厅 Located in the Celentano大厅 foyer, Bixler side
17 杰弗瑞P. Hazell Athletic Center (formerly Charger Gymnasium) Lobby near the drinking fountain
17C Sports Medicine at 杰弗瑞P. Hazell Athletic Center (formerly Charger Gymnasium) Trainer's office/sports medicine
17 杰弗瑞P. Hazell Athletic Center (formerly Charger Gymnasium) Located in the lower level outside the Trainer's room
17 杰弗瑞P. Hazell Athletic Center (formerly Charger Gymnasium) Located in the lower level by the Red Bag in the Trainer's Room
35 充电器广场 Just inside the main entrance 
15 牙科中心 网赌上分平台 牙科中心; storage/copy room near back of main treatment area
12 Echlin大厅 Located on the first floor Main Entrance under the stairs
31 格林大厅 格林·霍尔/亨利·C. Lee Building; second floor by the Elevator
28 德国俱乐部 德国俱乐部; In main hall by the main doors
5 Harugari大厅 Harugari大厅; near entrance to Jeffrey's Fusion Restaurant
19A 卫生服务 治疗区走廊
11 卡普兰大厅 卡普兰大厅; second floor lobby
6 马文K. 彼得森图书馆 马文K. 彼得森图书馆; Foyer by Main Doors
1 Maxcy大厅 Maxcy大厅, first floor main stairwell
19 谢菲尔德霍尔 位于大堂区域
12A 北大厅 北厅门厅
4 南校区大堂 Located in the main enctrance foyer
7A 大学警察 大学警察大堂
41 Westside Hall, Classroom Lobby Westside Hall Classroom Lobby Near entrance to FoD
41 Westside Hall, RA Duty Desk Westside Hall RA Duty Desk
橙色的校园 Located outside of the café
橙色的校园 Located in the main entrance