
家长 and Family Information about 卫生服务

卫生服务 is open to all university students. We provide care for illness and injuries as well as diagnosis, 推荐, and follow-up care for more serious conditions. 这个办公室由注册护士组成, 兼职执业护士, 兼职医生, and part-time certified nurse midwives who offer weekly women's clinic. Physician's hours are scheduled 我的day through Friday. 每天的医生时间都贴出来了.

If you should have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact us at (203) 932-7079.

  • Please note that if your student is 18 years of age or older he/she will have the authority to release their own medical information. We will be unable to share with you any information regarding a student unless the student has consented to such.

    • 还记得 to keep a copy for your own records of any forms sent in to the University
    • 还记得, all prescription medication must be in its original pharmacy container and properly labeled.
    • We also recommend that a personal First Aid box be made up and brought with the student to school. 建议的项目如下:
      • 数字温度计
      • 邦迪牌创可贴
      • 纱布垫
      • 过氧化
      • 可重复使用的冰袋
      • 抗生素软膏(杆菌肽)
      • 感冒药(Sudafed)
      • 止咳药片/含片
      • 止咳糖浆
      • 泰诺或阿维
      • 次水杨酸铋
      • 止疼药或其他抗菌凝胶
    • It is essential that students who have long term chronic illnesses (such as diabetes, 癫痫发作, 高血压, 等.)联系卫生服务. Please make sure that we have information concerning that illness, and if student has a 专家 that doctors contact information.
    • Should your student be taking Allergy Injections, please contact our office. We can provide a listing of local Allergist that your students can continue their injections with. It is also very important to make sure that students who have allergy injections administered – have an EPI- PEN in their position and know how to use it. Should you have additional questions please feel free to contact our office.
    • All full-time students are required to have a completed Physical Form (forms are sent by 招生 Office after attendance deposit is received). 表格必须交回 by deadline date provided by the 招生 Office. 请联系招生办 Office if these forms have not been received.
    • All students need to be up to date on all immunizations required by Connecticut state law (2 measles, 1 rubella, and 2 mumps) (Two valid doses of MMR will fulfill the requirement).
    • All students need to show proof of Varicella (Chicken Pox). (疾病史与 date, or two doses of the Varicella 疫苗).
    • A titre (blood test) can also be completed to show required proof of immunity for 麻疹、腮腺炎、风疹和水痘. Lab results need to be sent in to 卫生服务, 不仅仅是报告的滴度日期.
    • All residential students are required to have the meningitis 疫苗. 疫苗 is valid for five years from injection date. 如果超过5年,则需要加强 需要打针.
    • All athletes, whether living on or off campus, are required to have the meningitis 疫苗
    • Please be aware that 卫生服务 offers flu 疫苗s, October through December, 收取少量费用. Students only need to contact our office at x7079 to set up an appointment.
    • Please provide your student and 卫生服务 with a copy of your private insurance 卡.  We need a copy of both the front and the back of the 卡.
    • If you have no private insurance, please indicate that on the student's physical form.
    • Please contact your private 健康 insurance company prior to coming to school to 了解他们的相关政策
      • 州外保险
      • 不在网络覆盖范围内
      • Are 推荐s from primary care physicians necessary if the student needs to see a 专家?
      • Does the insurance cover prescriptions and what area pharmacies are in the network?
    • This notice details the financial responsibility students bear for the 健康 care they receive at and/or through 卫生服务 at the 网赌上分平台. Click here to view the notice in PDF format.
    • Please note: This notice is provided here for your information and review. 你做 not need to download and return this form now - students will be asked to sign this form at the time they utilize 卫生服务.