
网赌上分平台 名字s Stadium For Soccer Pioneer 凯西Zolad

康涅狄格足球名人堂成员, 凯西Zolad是John和Leona 格林的好朋友, devoted 网赌上分平台 benefactors who conceived the idea to dedicate the stadium to honor Zolad for her passion 和 her longst和ing devotion.


网赌上分平台 名字s Stadium For Soccer Pioneer 凯西Zolad

The 网赌上分平台 today dedicated the 凯西Zolad Stadium in honor of the 康涅狄格州ecticut Soccer Hall of Fame member.

命名仪式在体育场的草皮场上举行. Steven H总裁. Kaplan said the stadium is being named for Zolad in honor of Zolad's dedication, 支持, 以及美国青少年足球的领导地位.

“凯西在足球运动中有着传奇的经历, 作为一个有远见的领导者和志愿者服务了几十年,他说. "凯西 has poured much of her life into youth soccer programs in 康涅狄格州ecticut 和 around the country 和 is a fitting role model for our students."


Zolad, 纽因顿的, has been active in the 康涅狄格州ecticut Junior Soccer Association for nearly 30 years 和 served as president from 2003-2015, 和, 在那之前, 担任执行董事. She served as chair of the 康涅狄格州ecticut State Referee Committee 和 as secretary of the board of directors of the 康涅狄格州ecticut Wolves Professional Men's Soccer Team.

约翰R. 和Leona M. 格林, longtime generous benefactors of the University 和 close friends of Zolad's, 使体育场的奉献成为可能.

Mr. 格林, who received an associate's degree in business from the University in 1952, was awarded an honorary doctorate of business administration in 2013. 他于2009年被评为杰出校友.

Mr. 格林 was the founder of 格林 Office Equipment 和 Lincolnwood Organ 和 Piano Center in Meriden, 康涅狄格州., which he 和 Leona ran together for five decades before retiring.

格林夫妇还资助了约翰R. 和Leona M. 格林 Endowed Forensic 研究 和 Training Advancement Fund in the 亨利·C. 李法医研究所. The building that houses the institute is named in their honor. 他们还建立了约翰R. 和Leona M. 格林捐赠奖学金基金的学生在 商学院 并正在建立约翰·R. 格林授予工商管理教授职位.

佐拉德是美国国家卫生组织的志愿者.S. Men's 和 Women's National Soccer Teams 和 Special Olympics, also has held a number of committee positions within the U.S. 足球联合会. She served as the local liaison for the 2003 FIFA Women's World Cup for games held in Philadelphia. Zolad is the past president of the Soccer Club 纽因顿的 和 a former commissioner 纽因顿的 Parks 和 Recreation.


She serves as a committee member 和 chairperson for the Girls Division of the U.S. 青少年足球奥林匹克发展计划, which identifies players at the highest caliber on a continuing basis, 这将导致美国经济增长的成功.S. 国家队在国际舞台上.

Zolad Stadium, which seats 400, is home to the University’s men’s 和 women’s soccer team 和 its women’s lacrosse team as well as clubs sports 和 various outdoor recreation activities.

我代表学校的学生运动员发言, 凯利·奎格利,18岁, 女子足球队的队长, spoke about the impact sports has had on her life 和 college career 和 the memories she has representing the Chargers on what is now 凯西Zolad Stadium.

"It is evident how important soccer is to me 和 the positive influence it has had in all aspects of my life: it has shaped me into the person I am today. It has given me a chance to be part of such an amazing community here at the 网赌上分平台 和 to play for a group that I will miss dearly as I graduate in May." 凯利·奎格利,18岁

奎格利, 体育运动管理 主要, added: "This team 和 field will always be a second home to me, 和 I am very excited to see what the future holds for this program. 谢谢你!, 凯西, 感谢你在我们热爱的这项运动中所留下的领导力, 感谢格林夫妇让这一切成为可能."