
NTT Senior Lecturer

电 & Computer Engineering and Computer Science Department
Tagliatela College of Engineering

D.Sc., 电 and Computer Engineering, The George Washington University
M.Sc., Computer Networks, ECE, GWU, Telecommunications


Teaching: Over twenty-five years of experience in Teaching, applied 研究 and Consultancy in broadband Computer Networks technologies and Cyber 安全, and 电 and Computer Engineering. Taught in the Joint Master’s Degree Program between Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and GWU at the FCC head office in Washington DC, the program focused on Telecommunications 安全 and Cyber 安全.

Applied 研究 Experience: DNA Cryptography Network 安全, “BEST PAPER AWARD” INTERNET 2010, (IARIA), in Computer Networks and 安全. Registered Patent with NASA, Quality of Protection (QoP) 安全 Measure, LTE-UMTS安全, Admission and Scheduling Control for VBR multimedia application IEEE802.11 无线网络, Channel-Aware Scheduling Scheme Provisioning in IEEE 802.16 e /移动WiMax, Secure handoff WiMAX, Secure Sensor Networks, Quality of Protection (QoP) 安全 Measure, 安全LTE NGMN, Secure Vehicular Communications, 无线网络, 广域网优化, Multi-objective Routing, IPv4/IPv6 migration techniques … and more.

Demonstrate Strong 研究 Potential as evidenced by over 25 publications in archived IEEE journal and conference, IEEE proceedings and others. Reviewer with Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing (JPDC). Member , Review Committee ICCES, ICSPC, ICNM. Member - Cyber 安全 Policy 研究 Institute (CSPRI), GWU Member, ITU Member, IEEE.

Skilled in Training Methodologies, Management, Development Programs Strategy and Implementation, Teaching Short courses in different areas in Telecommunications Networks and 安全 with National and International Training Centers: AT&T培训中心, NCR Training Center, IBM Certified Training Center, 思科学院, Motorola Training Center.

咨询公司/ IBM, NCR, ICL, 思科, 摩托罗拉/, 咨询服务, 可行性研究, design and development for large Information System Networks for private and governmental sectors, Project Implementation, Planning and Management.