Nagasree Garapati博士.D., P.E.

Nagasree Garapati大头照

化学与化工 & 生物医学工程系
  • P.E. 西弗吉尼亚州
  • Ph.D. 化学工程,华盛顿大学,美国2013
  • M.S. 化学工程,华盛顿大学,美国2009
  • B.S. Chemical Engineering, Osmania大学, 印度, 2007

Nagasree Garapati is an 助理教授 in the Department of 化学与化工 & 生物医学工程 at the 网赌上分平台. Prior to joining the 网赌上分平台, she was at West Virginia University as a 访问ing 助理教授, 研究助理教授. Garapati获得了B.Tech in Chemical Engineering from Osmania大学, 海德拉巴. 她收到了M。.S. 和Ph值.D. in Chemical Engineering from West Virginia University 工作ing on gas hydrates with Dr. 布莱恩安德森. 在攻读博士学位期间.D. 工作, she was lead developer of an NETL multicomponent gas hydrate reservoir simulator originally in the TOUGH family, Mix3HydrateResSim. Garapati did her Post Doctorate in Department of Earth Sciences at University of Minnesota and also visited ETHZ-Zurich as an Academic Scholar 工作ing on CO2 Plume geothermal in 马丁·萨尔教授 实验室.


多阶段的, Multi-component fluid and heat transport at multi-scales to develop new technologies for clean energy production at an economically competitive compared to current fossil fuels. Applications include: Natural gas hydrates, 地热能源, 碳捕获, 利用, 和储存(CCUS). Garapati have received funding from Department of Energy-Geothermal Technologies Office (GTO) and National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL).



Myshakin E., Garapati N., Seol, Y., Gai, X.科莱特,T.博斯韦尔,R.大月,S.佐藤,M.熊谷,K,铃木,K., Okinaka. N. “Numerical Simulations of Depressurization-Induced Gas Hydrate Reservoir (Unit B) Response at the Prudhoe Bay Unit Kuparuk 7-11-12 Pad on Alaska North Slope”, 专题研究卷, 能源和燃料, 36 (2021):2542-2560. DOI: 10.1021 / acs.energyfuels.1c04099.

查普曼J. S., Garapati N.格列扎库,V.-A., Duan, Y.胡,J.Dinu C.Z. “Hydrophilic MIL-160-based membrane exhibits pressure-dependent selective uptake of industrially relevant greenhouse gases”, RSC, Materials Advances (2021); DOI: 10.1039 / D1MA00468A.

张,Y., Garapati N.道蒂,C.皮埃尔,J., “Modeling Study of Deep Direct Use Geothermal on the West Virginia University Campus-来自, WV”, 地热学, 87 (2020): 101848; DOI: 10.1016/j.地热学.2020.101848.

McCleery R. S.麦克道尔,R.R.摩尔,J. P., Garapati N.卡尔,T.R.安德森,B.J., “Development of 3-D geological model of Tuscarora Sandstone for Feasibility of Deep Direct-Use Geothermal at West Virginia University’s Main Campus”, GRC事务, 42 (2018): 192-208.

钱,我.查普曼,J.H .爱生.肯尼斯,C. W.瓦格纳,A., Garapati N.康斯坦,年代.迪努,C.Z., “User-tailored Metal-Organic Frame工作s as Supports for Carbonic Anhydrase”, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 10 (2018): 41326-41337; DOI: 10.1021 / acsami.8b14125.

Sridhara P.安德森,B.J., Garapati N., Seol, Y.米沙金,E.M., “Novel Technological Approach to Enhance Methane Recovery from Class 2 Hydrate Deposits by Employing CO 2 Injection”, 能源和燃料, 32 (2018): 2949-2961; DOI: 10.1021 / acs.energyfuels.7b03441.


Garapati N.科莱特,T.S.齐利亚诺娃,m.s.V., “Economic and Life Cycle Assessment of Gas Production from Gas Hydrate Prospects on Alaska North Slope”, 10th International Conference on Gas Hydrates (ICGH10), 新加坡, 2023年7月.

亚当斯,B. M.弗莱明. R.Bielicki, J.M., Garapati N.萨尔,M.O. “An Analysis of the Demonstration of a CO2-based Thermosiphon at the SECARB Cranfield Site”, 46th Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, 斯坦福大学, CA, 2021年2月.

Garapati N., Irr, V. J.兰姆,B., “Feasibility Analysis of Deep Direct-Use Geothermal on the West Virginia University Campus-来自, WV”, 45th Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, 斯坦福大学, CA, 2020年2月.

Garapati N.,沿着,O.B.霍尔,L. Y., Irr, V. J.张,Y.史密斯,J.D.皮埃尔,J.道蒂,C., “Feasibility of Development of Geothermal Deep Direct-Use District Heating and Cooling system at West Virginia University Campus-来自, WV” in Proceedings of 44th Workshop on Geothermal Reservoir Engineering, 斯坦福大学, CA, 2019年2月.

Garapati N.张,Y.皮埃尔,J.道蒂,C.安德森,B.J., “Subsurface modeling and well configuration design for geothermal deep direct-use district heating system at West Virginia University Campus-来自, 顽强的研讨会, 加州大学伯克利分校, CA, 2018年10月.


Guest lecture on Numerical modeling of fluid and heat transport in geological reservoirs, International webinar on Global Warming and Climate Change, 印度n Institute of Chemical Engineers, 阿玛拉瓦蒂区域中心, 2021年11月12日至13日.

Panelist on Direct Use Geothermal: How can geothermal direct use contribute to national decarbonization goals? Are past barriers to direct use changing, Geothermal Rising Conference, October 2021.

Guest lecture on Low temperature 地热能源 Systems, 国际纺织研讨会, 制药公司, 食物, 和化学技术(TPFC), 大学技术学院, Osmania大学, 海德拉巴, 印度, 1月28日, 2021.

Guest lecture on Geothermal energy and Gas hydrates for China Energy Investment Group Class of 2018, 来自, WV, 11月28日, 2018.

Panelist on Productive Uses of CO2/Low-Carbon 运输 Fuels: TransTech Energy Business Development Conference, 来自, WV, 10月26 - 27日, 2016.