Kagya Amoako博士.D.

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化学、化工 & 生物医学工程

Dr. Amoako将在2024年秋季学期休假.

生物材料博士后研究员, 密歇根大学, 密歇根州安娜堡, 和华盛顿大学, 西雅图佤邦
Ph.D. 密歇根大学安娜堡分校生物医学工程专业
B.S. 物理学和数学,特拉华州立大学,多佛DE


Kagya Amoako is an expert in device-related infection and cardiovascular and lung assisted medical devices. 他的研究重点是了解人工材料和血液相互作用的机制. 在一个关键的发现中, 他和他的团队发现聚合物结合的一氧化氮可以抑制细菌和细菌的生长, 同时, 不会损害周围细胞的生存能力吗.

His work focuses on how to stop the spread of infections associated with implanted medical devices including catheters, 心脏起搏器, 支架, 血管移植, 心脏瓣膜, 人工肺, 人工肾脏, 葡萄糖传感器.

在美国,有超过2亿的患者使用了植入式医疗器械.S. 单独使用,感染率约为4%. Amoako’s research could impact more than eight million people each year who have device-related infections, 改善患者健康,减少住院时间和医疗成本.

As the director of the 网赌上分平台’s 生物材料 and Medical Device Innovation Laboratory, Dr. Amoako leads teams of graduate students developing new biocompatible surfaces and medical device prototypes and conducting device biocompatibility tests to determine how well the devices would work in clinical practice. His ultimate research goal is to develop the next generation of medical devices that will provide long-term support for cardiovascular and pulmonary disease patients.

2017年,他发表了《网赌上分平台》 先进材料接口, 研究了生物材料表面与血液相互作用的挑战, 生物材料特性及其对凝血的影响, 以及新旧表面抗凝方法.

His wide-ranging research work includes the development of polymer materials that can be used in the living spaces in spaceships. 在美国宇航局康涅狄格空间资助联盟的支持下. Amoako is developing new surfaces that stop the growth of bacteria in the areas astronauts use daily in space.

He and a student researcher are also developing a prototype of a low-cost prosthetic arm for the more than 2.4 million below-the-elbow amputees who live in developing countries and can’t afford a prosthetic arm.

Dr. Amoako是网赌上分平台生物医学工程硕士学位主任, 其中包括来自美国的学生.S.美国、中国、尼日利亚、印度、土耳其、伊朗和缅甸. 他得了B.S. 在特拉华州立大学获得物理和数学学位.S.E. 获得机械工程博士学位.D. 密歇根大学生物医学工程专业毕业.

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Surbhi Gupta, KAAmoako, Ahmed Suhaib, Keith E. 烹饪. 多模式, surface focused anticoagulation using poly-2-methoxyethylacrylate polymer grafts and surface nitric oxide release. 高级材料接口. 2014, doi: 10.1002 /承认.201400012

Harihara Sandaram, Xia Han, Ann K. 诺曼·诺文斯基. Brault,李玉婷,Jean-Rene Ella- Menye, KAAmoako, Keith E. 库克、帕特里克·马雷克、克里斯·塞内卡尔和姜绍义. Achieving One-step Surface Coating of Highly Hydrophilic Poly(Carboxybetaine Methacrylate) Polymers on Hydrophobic and Hydrophilic Surfaces. 先进材料接口. 2014, doi: 10.1002 /承认.201400071

Hitesh Handa, Elizabeth J. 特里·C·布里斯布瓦. 少校,Lahdan Refahiyat, KAAmoako, Robert H. Bartlett和Mark E. nina Meyerhof. Hemocompatibility comparison of biomedical grade polymers using rabbit thrombogenicity model for preparing nonthrombogenic nitric oxide releasing surfaces. 材料化学杂志. B、生物和医学材料. 2014, 2(8): 1059-1067

Hitesh Handa, Elizabeth J. 特里·C·布里斯布瓦. Major, Lahdan Refahiyat, KAAmoako, Gail M. 罗伯特·H·安尼克. Bartlett和Mark E. nina Meyerhof. In vitro and in vivo study of sustained nitric oxide release coating using diazeniumdiolate-doped poly(vinyl chloride) matrix with poly(lactide- co-glycolide) additive. 材料化学杂志. B、生物和医学材料. 2013,1(29): 3578-3587

KA Amoako, Montoya JP, Major TC, nina Meyerhof ME, Bartlett RH, 烹饪 KE. 一氧化氮人工肺的制备及体内血栓形成试验. [J]生物医学工程学报. 2013, 101(12): 3511-3519

KA Amoako, Archangeli C, Major TC, nina Meyerhoff ME, Annich GM, Bartlett RH. Thromboresistance Characterization of Extruded Nitric Oxide Releasing Silicone Catheters ASAIO Journal2012; 58: 238 -246

Major TC, Brant DO, Burney CP, KAAmoako, Annich GM, nina Meyerhoff ME, Handa H和Bartlett RH. The hemocompatibility of a nitric oxide generating polymer that catalyzes S-nitrosothiol decomposition in an extracorporeal circulation model. 生物材料2011; 32: 5957e5969

KA Amoako, 烹饪 KE. 产生一氧化氮的有机硅作为血液接触的生物材料. ASAIO Journal2011; 57:539–544

D. Pokrajac, KAAmoako, Patel H, Brooks J, Cenat N, Marcus K, Darden S. 地球科学中的数据挖掘. TELSIKS 2003; 534-537


Dr. Amoako’s teaching interests are in 生物材料 and Design and Application of 生物材料 in Medicine. His teaching philosophy include providing the connection between learning material and the "big picture", 尊重学生, 多样化的教学方法,以适应视觉和听觉学习者, 使用评估工具评估教学方法, 作为一名教育者,我有自己的成长计划.


Dr. Amoako’s research focuses on bio-inspired polymer surface and bulk modification to incorporate anti-clotting functions of the endothelium on biomaterials. 他的研究目标是通过医疗设备的开发来解决心血管疾病. 他曾从事医疗设备制造、表面改性和体内测试. 他研究过的血液接触装置的例子, 使用动物试验模型, 包括人工肺和导尿管.

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Whether he’s working to improve 人工肺 or increasing access to ventilators during the pandemic, Kagya Amoako博士.D.在生物医学工程领域产生了重要的影响. 最近入选侯爵名人录, he is also devoted to providing the “best classroom and laboratory research experience” for the next generation of researchers and leaders.



Kagya Amoako, 生物医学工程助理教授, discusses approval for a connector that splits the use of a ventilator made with a 3-D printer he and his students designed.